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From 2019 to 2020, TakingITGlobal, in partnership with Adobe, supported 240 creative youth organizations who are working to ensure equitable access to creative education. Through the Creative Cloud Donations Program and Adobe Project Grant, these creative youth organizations create spaces for young creatives to develop and grow their creative, technical, and cognitive skills for success in school, work, and life.

In 2020, in the midst of the global pandemic, all grantees and their projects complied with the applicable public health guidelines in their respective countries and by the World Health Organization, Health Canada, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The creative youth organizations from this global network revamped their in-person programming to be delivered and engage their young creatives virtually. These programs have become outlets for expression, creativity, and wellbeing in the midst of all the uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

adobe ccd program

The Creative Cloud Donations Program distributed over 16,000 Adobe Creative Cloud Shared Device Licenses to actively engaged 58,231 young creatives from 240 creative youth organizations from 43 countries.

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adobe project grant

The Adobe Project Grant distributed $700,000 USD in monetary grants to 44 creative youth organizations to implement a project or collaboration that expands and/or deepens the creative opportunities for 47,643 young creatives from 18 countries.

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Adobe Creative Youth Organization Network

2019 Cycle  2019 Cycle
2019 - 2020 Cycle  2019 - 2020 Cycle
2020 Cycle  2020 Cycle

Participating Organizations
